As entrepreneurs, we know what makes our companies unique and our services and products so different from others; smart DESIGN Packaging helps our clients and prospects know it, too. The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Design PackagingThe Right Jumpstart to Set Your Business Apart deconstructs the value DESIGN Packaging brings to growing entrepreneurial businesses. DESIGN Packaging is your Visual Narrator to showcase exactly why clients should engage with your business! This easy-to-follow guide includes clear explanations, a range of approaches, and a vivid array of visual examples of DESIGN Packaging solutions, messaging, and strategies to inspire you and effectively reinforce your differentiators. The robust resource section with great definitions and descriptions is ideal for your teams. The checklists and ready-to-use forms make it easy to create your Design Packaging strategy.

Your DESIGN Packaging Roadmap


Through Entrepreneurial Eyes


Typographic Wisdom!


One DESIGN Packaging Example


Sample Definitions and Forms